

RedeemYourFreedom is designed for people like You.
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*This blog's contributor is not a lawyer or expert on any of the topics raised. It is expected that you view all subject matter critically.

8 November 2012

What I Have Learned & Think Everyone Should Know

Redeeming your freedom is a multi-faceted undertaking. It requires understanding your world as best you can by awakening and exercising your physical, mental and spiritual being. I wish to share the following conceptual tools that I hope will prove helpful if and when you decide to redeem your freedom - hopefully that's right now! 

This is a process that each individual must take on for themselves. Your individual freedom is limited to the extent that you are trusted to make important life choices. If you cannot learn to be self-reliant and responsible for your actions, you will not be trusted to make choices. Here are five of the most important things I believe everyone interested in freedemption should be familiar with.

Please note that none of this should be construed as legal advice. It is merely the opinion I have adopted from independently researching this broad topic. Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.

1. Initiating Harm, Loss or Fraud is Wrong
Freedemption is a peaceful and loving process. Intentionally hurting, stealing from, or committing fraud against anyone is wrong and will not help you find peace or freedom in your life. The ONLY excuse for committing violent action against another being is if you yourself feel your life is threatened. 
  That being said, neither self-defense nor a pacifist strategy necessarily guarantees someone to be free from coercion in this world. Thus, it will depend on your specific situation and the degree to which you respond with these (or other) techniques that will determine the outcome of a coercive encounter. Overall, if you take it upon yourself to not initiate harm, loss or fraud, the likeliness of others committing these crimes against you will be much lower.
  Whatever you do besides initiating harm, loss, or fraud is your own business and nobody else's (however, accepting their offer to contract with you changes things). Ultimately, the power to do good unto others is in your hands.  It's that simple. 

2. Know your Capacities: Living Body and PERSON
  As a living being on Earth, you have countless capacities: son or daughter, brother or sister, mom or dad, aunt or uncle, friend, partner, civilian, citizen, public servant, business(wo)man etc. 
  It is unrealistic to assume that you are acting in each of your possible capacities all at once. For example, as a woman, how could you possibly fulfil your role as a good daughter, sister, mother, wife, and employee/ employer at the same time? Simply put, you can't. Each role needs special attention for you to perform it properly. 
  Redeeming your freedom requires you to not be mislead (by anyone!) into believing that you have done something wrong if there is no proof that you were acting in the specific capacity that has been charged as guilty. 

This leads me to a very important distinction: that is, the difference between you and your PERSON. 
A)  If someone asked you what you are, you could say, "I'm a human" with appropriate conviction. Your capacity as a human being is that of going about your living, loving, sentient nature, whatever that may be. Your capacity as a human being is your potential to use your organic body in all ways possible, doing as you please and dealing with consequences.
B) Associated with your living human body is your PERSON. Your PERSON is your legal entity used for commercial purposes. In other words, it constitutes your capacity as a commercial identity and is responsible for all documented contracts and transactions in the commercial marketplace (e.g., in Canada or online). 

It is important to know that while you, the human being, can use your PERSON (ex. personal information) to interact in legal commerce, you do not own your PERSON. Your PERSON is derived from your Birth Certificate that the government originally created for you. It is owned by the government and is bonded to all other institutions that your PERSON has contracted with.
   Look at the cards in your wallet: bank cards, drivers license, health card, SIN/SSC, gov't ID etc. These cards represent the extension of your PERSON - i.e., these comprise a set of your commercial capacities - but they are not your property. They are regulated by the institutions that created them. If you do not believe this, check each of your cards and you will realize that NONE of them are your property.

What does this mean? It means that if you, the individual, act in the capacity of any of these cards (i.e. use them for your benefit), your PERSON is bound to the rules and regulations of the card's contract. If your PERSON is caught infringing any of their rules, its account will be charged and the dispute must be honourably resolved in order for your PERSON to continue freely interacting in their commercial realm. 

3. Contract Law: Signing Your Life Away
Can you think of all the contracts you've signed off the top of your head? Can you remember all their terms and conditions? I bet it's no easy task for most people. The point being, most of us have drowned ourselves in contracts that we pay little or no attention to and we don't realize what they mean for our freedom. 'Legitimate' society runs on legal commerce, which runs on formal contracts i.e. signed/ binding agreements between parties. Many contractual offers will claim to provide a service or benefit but there will usually be serious ramifications to your level of freedom in return for this service or benefit. 
  The contract's creator holds the power of setting the conditions of the agreement so if you're not included in creating the contract itself, be careful.  

You might want to spend extra time Reading the fine print or else this might happen to you! <-- An exaggerated example but hopefully it gets the point across. That is not to say all contracts are bad. Just know that you never get something without giving something up. Redeeming your freedom requires choosing your contracts wisely and understanding what you are getting into before you sign your name. However, even if you find yourself in a contract you dislike, there is always remedy and a way to resolve matters honourably. You just have to take it into your own hands to make things right.

4. You Are Governed By (tacit) CONSENT
Statutes, bylaws and acts are rules that the government has made up to control you through your PERSON (that they created and control). Many people treat statutory laws as guidelines in their daily lives and for all intents and purposes that's what they are. The issue is that, just like most people, law enforcers have been trained to assume your human body is your PERSON and that you have to pay if you don't follow these 'laws'. 
   Remember that besides initiating harm, loss, or fraud - the foundation upon which all statutory laws are based (though some very loosely) - whatever you do is your own business, unless you invite someone to contract with you. Consenting to someone's authority is a form of contract. It can be interpreted as an agreement that they they have power over you. Furthermore, it can be and most likely is presumed that that you and your PERSON are one and the same and that you are confessing to be guilty, according to the higher ranking officer, of committing a crime that your PERSON is subject to. 
   Thinking back to capacities... Are you acting in the capacity of your commercial entity at the time of the alleged 'crime'? Can they prove that you are acting in that capacity? If there is no injured party, who is charging you and with what civil offence? Does this offence apply to you if you do not consent to it? What proof can be provided of your obligation to comply?
   If you do not take away the presumptions that that another individual/ group has legitimate authority over you, they will assume to have authority over you and act accordingly. Even if you tacitly consent--in other words, if you do not question the validity of their statements through silence--they may assume the right to inflict coercive force on your body and property. Government agents in particular are known to go on power trips, particularly when this is part of their job description and training. Sadly, they often think they are doing the right thing. There is no such thing as necessary evil.
   In order for them to establish authority, they need to make you believe you are subservient to their ultimate power. In other words, you have to agree that they can do with you what they like in order for them to do so without penalty. Even if you are threatened into consenting to a statutory law, you have technically confessed to doing something wrong. 
   If you do not consent to have done something wrong and they can't prove that their 'rule' applies to you, you can criminally charge them if they harm you. Again, statutory law only applies to your PERSON but it will be difficult to make someone like a police officer understand that. To redeem your freedom, you have to prepare yourself to deal/ correspond with those higher up in these kinds of situations. 

5. Legal English ≠ Layman English
The common man has been enslaved by the subtle manipulation of language by those who author the rules. If you read a legal dictionary, you'll discover some curious differences between their definitions and what you understand to be the english language. A legal document (e.g., any commercial document) should be viewed through a legal lens if you want to understand it properly. If you don't, it is that much easier for the wool to be pulled over your eyes. Remember, ignorance is no excuse of the law. To redeem your freedom, particularly when you need to honourably resolve a legal dispute, it helps to familiarize yourself with certain legal terminology. Once you at least become aware of 'legalese', hiring a lawyer may no longer be necessary, at least for smaller disputes.

I hope that helps. Thanks for reading! 

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